Sunday, September 23, 2007

I chose to research using blogs in an elementary setting. I didn’t choose a specific grade, however took a look at using blogs with literacy and language arts. Although I am rather new at blogging I have seen through previous study the beneficial effects it can have in students learning. I looked through these two links to help further my research:

Clarence Fishers Outlook on Blogs in the Classroom

Literacy and blogging in the classroom

There are numerous advantages to integrating blogs as part of the Language Arts curriculum at the elementary level. Firstly, blogging can contribute to creativity in students. Students are free to be creative and unique in their writing. Although blogs are open for students to view and comment, it gives students their own personal writing and thinking space. Blogs are an effective way of enhancing student’s literacy and writing skills as it can apply to any subject area. For example, students are able to reflect on any assignment given during the day in any subject area.

Another purpose to using blogs is students are able to publish their own work online and many are able to view it. Student’s can connect with authors, and other student’s who are interested in the same literature, author etc. The ideas are endless!

Using blogs, students are learning outside the classroom. They can access their blogs at home and continue their interaction with other students from their class or around the world. The ability to question, reflect, respond and showcase their talents brings a whole new aspect to education and learning!

A few steps to ensure safety use of blogs in the classroom include:

-block out commercial sites that allow children to blog and connect to others at school
-Set up your own blogging sites for use by students and their teachers, have a class password
-Talk to parents about internet safety. Show them how they can access their child’s blog and monitor what they are doing.
-Have a class list of their blogs so you can access them at any time
-Always provide and encourage supervision at home and school

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